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Denby Free CE VA Primary School

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“Let your light shine” Matthew ch 5 v16

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Book Week 1st - 4th March 2022

We are very pleased to announce that we will be hosting our Book Week from Tuesday 1st to Friday 4th March 2022.  There will be a daily theme based around different picture books starting with Tuesday being a surprise theme chosen by Mrs Bell, Wednesday will be a nature theme, Thursday we will do activities around diversity and Friday will be a focus on books by Jackie Morris.

There will be lots of activities running over the week that will help your child develop a love of books, storytelling and reading.  Here is what is happening over the week:


Drop Everything and Read

We will be holding a “DEAR” – (Drop Everything and Read) – at 1.00pm every day when ‘EVERYONE’ in school has to read their own book brought in from home – we will ensure the children look after them in school!


Sponsored Read

Each class will have a Reading Challenge that can be sponsored. Children should gain sponsorship for each box of the challenges they complete.

For example, if the children are sponsored 50p for each box (challenge) and they complete 10 challenges, that sponsor would give £5. Children can have as many sponsors as they like to raise as much money as possible. Each child will have an electronic or paper version (in their red home reading book) of the challenges where they can record the number of challenges they complete. Sponsor money must be paid through ParentPay for the whole amount collected. With this letter is a sponsor form for the children to fill in to keep track of who has sponsored them.

The money will be used by our School Council who will vote for the best use of the money for the benefit of the children. Each council member will collate ideas from their class.

The reading challenge will run until March 31st 2022.


Wacky reading

Send in a picture of your child reading in a wacky place, to a pet or to a soft toy. They can be dressed up and looking as relaxed as they can. You can send that via Seesaw or Evidence Me. These will look great on a display so that we can share where we have been reading.


Decorate a door

Each class will be decorating their classroom door linked to a book. The pictures will be put on the website for everyone to see they children’s hard work.


Dress up Day

On Friday 4th March we invite all children and staff to come into school dressed as their favourite book character or author, for a donation of £1. Donations can be paid on Parentpay please.  All money raised will be used towards purchasing new reading resources to boost our fabulous book collection across the school.

(Please make sure that your child will be warm and wears suitable shoes for playtime.)

There will be a prize for the most creative costume in each class.


Home Challenge

At home the children can use recycling or crafting materials to create a puppet from a picture book. They can then use the puppet to tell a story. Bring them in to share with the class. There will be a prize for the most creative in each class.  


Book Sale

Due to the recent high numbers of Covid cases in school, we have decided to delay holding our Book Fayre in school until week commencing 13th June 2022. Further details will be sent nearer the time.




                        We are looking forward to a busy and enjoyable week!
