What Sparrows have been learning?
21.12.23 - We have had a wonderful Christmas filled week. We have performed our nativity for you and we hope you enjoyed it. We loved our Christmas dinner, party and film morning and we are now all ready for Santa's visit.
15.12.23—More Christmas fun this week. We have enjoyed helping Santa fill present bags with the right toys by reading the Christmas lists, we have been writing lists of what is inside Santa’s sack, building huge snowmen outside, making reindeer food following the instructions, wrapping presents and making marshmallow snowmen.
08.12.23—We have really enjoyed exploring all the Christmas activities in and outside of our classroom. We have decorated all the trees including wonderful crate ones outside complete with lighting ceremony! We have been working in Santa’s workshop, throwing snowballs into the snowman, counting baubles, making angels and much more.
We have all been learning about 2D shapes and the Year 1’s 3D shapes.
01.12.23—We thoroughly enjoyed preparing for and then performing our Night Spirit parade to the whole school. The children made streamers and lanterns for this, they painted their own Night Spirits, made posters, wrote invitations, learnt a song and played the music, it was absolutely wonderful.
The classroom is all set up for Christmas now and there will be lots of nativity practise and Christmas activities for the next couple of weeks.
24.11.23—Another magical week in Sparrow class. We have been learning about magical and mystical things based on our book ‘Ning and the Night Spirits.’ The children have been enjoying our unicorn small world, practising their letter and number formation with wands in the glitter, making posters to keep away the night spirits and writing letters to help Ning. We even took a trip up to Bluebell Woods to read more of our story.
In maths we have been finding out more about the numbers 4 and 5 and we have been making cakes with 4 or 5 candles in. The Year 1’s have been solving take away number sentences and learning about materials in science.
17.11.23—We have had a great week learning how to be better friends and making sure we know what bullying is and what to do about it. We have used the stories of Elmer and Rainbow Fish to help us understand. The Year 1’s have been writing friendship recipes and we have been making friendship potions in the mud kitchen and water tray. Inside we have made friendship bracelets, huge paper hugs and kindness postcards for our friends and family.
We have all been learning about circles and triangles and the children have been making pictures with these shapes. The Year 1’s have been adding by counting on and subtracting using objects.
10.11.23— We have had a lovely week back after the break basing our learning on Remembrance and war stories such as ‘Where the poppies now grow’. We have completed lots of poppy crafts and hopefully you have seen some of these displayed in our windows or outside of class. We have been playing soldiers, making trenches, tanks and hideouts, we have made playdough poppies, poppy wreaths, stained glass windows and played armies in the small world. We have made medals for the soldiers and written letters as if we were soldiers writing home from war.
26.10.23 - We have reached the end of term and have been learning all about the Christian Creation story. We have been making books telling the story of creation using pictures, we have been creating art, Lego and playdough models. The children have been appreciating the food we have with some mindful eating and sharing their thoughts of what makes the world beautiful and what would make God sad about the world.
20.10.23—We have been hunting for Naughty Bus this week—if you spot it please let us know. We have been drawing on and under tables, making egg carton buses, learning about numbers 1,2 and 3 with the ducks in the water and in the mud kitchen or inside with the stacking dolls and the bingo game.
The children are doing so well with their phonic sounds and are now segmenting to spell and writing words such as ‘red bus’. We hope you have spotted their posters outside school? Year 1’s are writing sentences with phase 5 sounds in and this week have been writing postcards about their travels with Naughty Bus.
13.10.23—Naughty Bus has been set loose in Sparrow Class this week and caused so much mischief. We have enjoyed basing our learning on the story, we have made story maps, written the rules for Naughty Bus, constructed paper buses, painted a huge bus of our own which the children have been playing in (we even had a musical bus) and played the ‘filling the bus game’.
We have all been learning about patterns and the Year 1’s have been learning how to partition numbers into two groups.
06.10.23—We have had another wild week in Sparrows. We have been measuring height and length with the sunflowers and cars, measuring capacity with the bottles in the water and measuring mass with the balance scales. We have made the right size box and Lego cages for the animals like in Dear Zoo. We have completed our Wild Things work and have made masks for our own Wild Things and story maps for a new adventure.
29.09.23—We have enjoyed our Harvest themed week which culminated in our performance in church which we hope you loved. We have been scooping out pumpkins, working in our own fruit and vegetable shop, playing with the small world farm, making fruit and vegetable prints and much more.
We have all been enjoying the story of The Enormous Turnip and practising our harvest performance. In maths we have been comparing groups and using the vocabulary more, less and the same. In phonics, Reception have been learning the ‘i, n, m and d’ sounds and Year 1’s have been going over the phase 3 sounds.
22.09.23—We have had a ‘wild’ week in Sparrows this week and the weather decided to join in! A jungle grew over the weekend and then we seem to have been visited by ‘Wild Things’. We have based our learning on the story ‘Where the wild things are’. We have been counting monsters and feeding them pompoms with tweezers, we have sailed boats along tracks, tunnels and chutes and explored our jungle playdough.
In maths we have all been matching socks, sorting and grouping buttons and the Year 1’s have been counting up, down and identifying one more of amounts. We have all started our new phonic sessions and everyone has engaged with these. The sounds Reception have covered are included in a newsletter letting you know how to enunciate the sound and how we form the grapheme. Year 1’s have been recapping Phase 3 sounds and have had their first three reading sessions.
15.09.23 - The children have settled so well it's like they have always been here. This week we have been learning about the story of 'The Good Samaritan' and we have made first aid kits to help those in need. The Year 1's have been consolidating their knowledge of numbers to 10 and we visited the church to look at the flower displays.
08.09.23 - The Sparrows new and old have settled in wonderfully. We have been learning about our emotions using the book 'Colour Monster'. The children have loved exploring their surroundings and seemed to have enjoyed themselves.