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Denby Free CE VA Primary School

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“Let your light shine” Matthew ch 5 v16

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Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact

Denby Free CE VA Primary School Curriculum



To create a flexible, creative curriculum which also rigorously ensures coverage and progression in key skills.


  • Our curriculum is creative and personalized
  • Tailored to pupils' needs and interests
  • Takes account of teachers' passions and areas of strength as well as current local/world events
  • Allows for different learning and teaching styles
  • Topics are flexible


  • There are non-negotiables skills to ensure coverage and progression
  • Curriculum maps ensure knowledge development
  • Fulfil and exceed National Curriculum requirements and expectations




Knowledge and Skills

  • Taken from National Curriculum
  • Each block of knowledge and skills are broken down and layered for each year group
  • Knowledge acquisition and skills ensure progression from year to year; each year builds on the last without unnecessary duplication
  • Subject leaders/ specialists developed and streamlined knowledge and skills
  • Greater depth knowledge and skills encourage challenge for more able
  • Teachers scaffold up where necessary to ensure almost all pupils can access main knowledge and skills


  • Knowledge and skills can be taught via different topics to allow for flexibility
  • Topic drivers are history, geography or science. Other subjects are enhancers
  • Use of core texts are linked

Monitoring and assessment

  • Coverage monitored through curriculum maps, plans and book looks
  • Subjects assessed at end of the year- assessment linked to knowledge and skills
  • Assessment and marking a to ensure teachers can pick up pupils not meeting expectations and put in appropriate provision to ensure progress in future



  • A clear coherent curriculum
  • Focused learning intentions taken from skills ensure lessons have a clear learning point
  • Pupils have some ownership over learning- encourages engagement
  • Flexible topics- interest pupils so they continue learning outside the classroom
  • Promote transferable knowledge and skills
  • Clear assessment procedure to ensure teachers are aware of each pupils' needs


