The Friends of Denby Free
The Friends of Denby Free School
Who are the Friends?
The Friends of Denby Free School are a registered charity made up of the parents, pupils, teachers, staff and members of the Church community. We usually meet around once a month in a social setting. Anyone can be involved by joining the committee, helping out with fundraising or attending events.
What do the Friends do?
Throughout the year we hold a variety of fundraising activities, events and social occasions. Examples of these are Bingo night, Family Beetle Drive, Summer Fayre, Christmas Fayre, Pamper evening, Treasure Hunt, 50/50 club, Family Quiz night and The Denby Dash.
Why fundraise?
With the money raised we support School by providing funds to pay for additional curriculm equipment, projects and special treats for the children. In the past we have raised money for water bottles, IT equipment, classroom resources, Year 6 leavers' treat, end-of-term discos, a new play frame, contributions towards school trips and lots more!
How can I help out with Friends?
We're always in need of more volunteers, so if you'd like to help all you need to do is leave your details with the school office to pass on to one of the Friends who will contact you.
Support Friends remotely
You can support Friends remotely by registering with Amazon Smile (The Friends of Denby Free School) and Easy Fundraising (Friends of Denby Free School) so that every time you make an online purchase, a donation will be made to our account. If you are buying name-labels for school uniform and equipment please consider purchasing through My Nametags (School ID No. 35114) who will donate for every purchase direct to school. You can join our 50/50 club for only £2 per month - £1 per month is donated to Friends and £1 to the monthly prize fund which is currently £78. Please contact the school office for more information. Thank you
Find us on Facebook 'The Friends of Denby Free School'.
Charity No.1174005