Learning at Denby Free
Our Curriculum
At Denby Free CE (Aided) Primary School, we are committed to providing a broad and balanced curriculum that inspires, nurtures, and educates our children to shine within a happy, caring Christian community. Our carefully designed curriculum is tailored to the unique needs and context of our learners, ensuring that each child has the opportunity to achieve to the best of their ability.
A Curriculum for Growth and Fulfilment
Our curriculum is underpinned by our school's vision and values, which guide us in creating an environment where our pupils can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. We believe that every child deserves the chance to acquire a wealth of knowledge and experience, becoming critical and independent thinkers who are equipped to lead safe, healthy, and fulfilling lives.
Linking Learning to Our Community and Beyond
At the heart of our curriculum are the Humanities subjects, which serve as topic drivers, allowing us to connect learning to our local context and the wider world. By weaving together subjects such as History, Geography, and Religious Education, we help our pupils understand how our locality fits within the multicultural tapestry of Great Britain, fostering a sense of belonging and community.
Nurturing the Whole Child
Alongside our academic focus, we place great emphasis on the social, emotional, and spiritual development of our pupils. Through our comprehensive Religious Education programme and daily Collective Worship, we cultivate our children's moral, social, and cultural understanding, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to cooperate with their peers and the adults around them, and to respect one another both inside and outside the classroom.
Adaptable and Responsive
To ensure that our curriculum meets the diverse needs of our learners, we have carefully adapted various schemes of work to suit the unique requirements of our school. This approach allows us to provide appropriately challenging work, catering to individual starting points and supporting each child's journey towards success.
Preparing for the Future
As our pupils progress through their primary education, we are committed to equipping them with the essential skills in English, Maths and Computing. These foundational competencies will enable them to make the most of the learning opportunities offered at their secondary school and in their future adult lives.