Robot explorer competition
Competition Time !!!!
Imagine you are a space explorer and you have landed on an alien planet. The planet is covered in trees, lakes, mountains and valleys. It is always in total darkness with a purple moon, the animals are dangerous and attack when they hear really loud noises. It is too dangerous to explore yourself but you can build a robot to do it for you.
Using Lego, cardboard or anything else you like, design and build a robot to explore this new planet. Think about what you need it to do and what features it needs. How will it collect samples and analyse the planet? How will it explore the land and sea? How will explore it darkness?
The deadline for entries is 17th March 2023
You can bring in the robots and send in the designs on Seesaw. All robots to Mr. Slaney
With all great competitions there needs to be a prize. As this is engineering, we will have a Lego prize for Reception and Key Stage 1 and a Lego prize for Key Stage 2.
Good luck and I look forward to seeing your amazing engineering!!!
Mr. Slaney
Science In Action
I will be running a science competition this term. I would love children to take an eye popping, awe inspiring photograph of science in action and send it to school. For example, it could be an image of weather, technology, a plant or an animal. It could be a scene or a zoomed in detailed photograph. The choice is yours.
The image can be sent to your child’s class teacher via Seesaw or printed. You also need to give your photograph a title.
Deadline for entries will be Friday 16th December. There will be a winner for KS1 and KS2 winner and they will be announced in the week on the Monday 21st December.
Good luck and keep snapping !!
Mr. Slaney