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Denby Free CE VA Primary School

Imagine. Believe. Achieve. Shine.

“Let your light shine” Matthew ch 5 v16

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Doves Timetable

Monday – Thursday

Mrs Christie teaches traditional phonics, English and Maths lessons in the mornings and topic lessons in the afternoons. The children also complete their three Little Wandle reads in their reading groups during these days and have daily class stories and collective worship.


Thursday PM PPA (September – February half term)

Thursday afternoon is PPA time for Mrs Johnson and Mrs Christie so Doves and Sparrows have PE with Mr Woodhouse (our sports coach) and Mrs Bell/Mrs Hatton who teach PSHE. After February half term this swaps to a Thursday morning.



In the mornings, Mrs Hatton teaches phonics, PE, multiplication and division and administers our weekly ace adders and mega multiplier tests.

In the afternoons the children have collective worship in the church (celebration assembly), in which they receive any certificates, badges and the class cups are given out, they then have SPaG (spelling and grammar) lessons and opportunities to read and be read to.
