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Denby Free CE VA Primary School

Imagine. Believe. Achieve. Shine.

“Let your light shine” Matthew ch 5 v16

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British Values

British Values


The Department for Education requires all schools to promote the fundamental British values of :

  • Democracy
  • Rule of Law
  • Individual Liberty
  • Mutual Respect
  • Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs



At Denby Free CE VA Primary School we have a school council which meets every month. The pupils vote for their own representative for each year group.

Our Governing Body is comprised of elected representatives from the staff, parents, local authority, community and church; they meet termly with the Headteacher, as well as additional sub committees.

We invite parents and carers for their views throughout the academic year; the Head teacher and class teachers are available at the start and end of the school day. The school has an open door policy. Parents and carers, and pupils are asked to complete an annual questionnaire. Finding are shared with Governors and then the wider school community.


Rule of Law

Before starting school children, parents and the Head teacher commit to our Home School Agreement. We have the following School Rule:

Respect - Respect  yourself, each other and our environment


The School Rule is reviewed with the children and staff at the start of each acadmic year and the children agree on class rules with their teachers. 

Annual visits from the local fire services and our Police Community Support Officer reinforce the need for laws and how they protect the community.


Individual Liberty

We teach our children about their personal rights and freedoms and how to be safe through our PSHE curriculum and E- Safety lessons.


Mutual Respect

Pupils learn about specific British celebrations, events and commemorations through history topics in the National Curriculum. Through these topics pupils learn how important events in history have shaped our lives and what has made Britain and the world what it is today. Through our PSHE curriculum pupils are taught about difference and diversity and the need to treat each other with mutual respect.


Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

Our RE curriculum, PSHE lessons and collective worship reinforce messages of tolerance and respect for others. Key celebrations in different faiths are learned about. Pupils are also taught to recognize the similarities and differences between religions. Pupils visit different places of worship and the Derby Open Centre in the course of their studies.


 Denby Free CE VA Primary School fully supports British Values and promotes them in our ethos and culture.
