KS1 Homework
KS1 Homework
Weekly spelling lists will be assigned by Mrs Hatton through Spelling Shed and the children should practise these online. They may also want to practise writing them within sentences.
The children will be assigned times tables to practise by Mrs Hatton on Times Tables Rock Stars based on their current Ace Adder/Mega Multiplier levels within school. They can also practise other maths skills such as number bonds, doubles etc. via Hit the Button. Year One: The children will be assigned times tables to practise on Times Tables Rock Stars if they wish to have a go. However, they may prefer to access Hit the Button as most are still working on Ace Adders rather than multiplication.
Reading is incredibly important during KS1 and we have a whole section on our Doves Learning page dedicated to reading and phonics. Your child can also access phonics games or practise their phonics or reading in other ways alongside reading their school reading book.
Topic/creative homework
A creative homework menu will be uploaded to the class page at the start of every half term moving forwards. This will include lots of practical and creative ideas to choose from and will be based around the topic for that half term. The children can choose one of the suggested tasks for their project or think of their own. Their project will not be due until the last week of the half term, giving them the whole half term to work on them. Ideally the children will be able to bring their projects in to showcase to the rest of the class however, if the children are not able to bring their projects into school then they could send a photo/video to our class Seesaw and we could share them in this way.