Mega Multipliers
Mega Multipliers
Purple Stage
There have been some recent changes to the purple mega multiplier levels. There are now 3 sheets (just multiplication, just division and then a mixture) for each multiplication level (10s, 2s and 5s). Each sheet has 13 questions and the children have 100 seconds to complete as many questions as they can. If they get 13/13 then they move on to the next sheet.
When the children have completed all of their 10s, 2s and 5s sheets then they complete their purple challenge which is a mixture of division and multiplication questions including 10s, 2s and 5s. There are 26 questions for this and the children get 200 seconds. When they have achieved 26/26 for two consecutive weeks then they get their purple star badge and move on to their 3s which are still the same.
(Please keep this badge safe as it will need to be traded in for the next badge or you can pay £1 to keep your previous badge as well as the new one)